[번역] 포트나이트의 성공 이해하기: UX와 심리학적 관점으로게임개발/UX 2019. 9. 18. 12:19
원문 https://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/CeliaHodent/20190723/347166/Understanding_the_Success_of_Fortnite_A_UX__Psychology_Perspective.php Understanding the Success of Fortnite: A UX & Psychology Perspective As the former Director of User Experience (UX) at Epic Games, where I worked on Fortnite from 2013 to late 2017, I would like to share the different steps that were taken by the Fortnite team to ..
[번역] 에픽 게임즈의 프로덕션 파이프라인에 UX를 도입한 방법게임개발/UX 2019. 9. 18. 12:09
원문: https://celiahodent.com/how-we-introduced-ux-to-epic-games-production-pipeline-gdc16/ 이번 번역은 구어체입니다. GDC 발표를 2명이서 대화하듯 풀어냈던 세션입니다. 이를 논문식으로 번역하다보니 생동감이 없고 부자연스러워서 구어체로 변경했습니다. ...더보기 These are the slides from the my GDC 2016 presentation with Heather Chandler, Senior Producer on Fortnite (Epic Games). Therefore, this presentation is about both UX’ (Celia) and Prod’s (Heather) perspectives. Y..